youtube girlfriend

there are many smart people in this world today at schools and at work but if u want to be smart just try to accomplish things in life and take risks rather than sit on the side lines all day and wait go for it

are u a genius lets hope so because that means u passed the quiz i don't know what I'm doing right now because it is currently 1:35 am so very tired in australia

Created by: breanna
  1. do u know chelsea stevens on youtube? IF NOT CHECK HER OUT:)
  2. how hot do u think zoe aka zoella is?
  3. do u love marcus butlers song IM A RAPPER
  4. are u a youtuber
  5. has sam porter been diabetic or is diabetic?
  6. has kian lawley ever broken a bone
  7. what is jc caylens favorited food?
  8. what is niomi aka niomi smart on youtube nickname
  9. are zoe sugg and joe sugg the most famous siblings in britain?
  10. who do u think casper lee would look good in a relationship with on youtube?

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