Your Zenith Villian!

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Just a short quiz to decide what character most people are in my future book series! These consist of most of the main villains in my book series, Zenith!

(This is just a repeat lol I couldn’t think of anything else) Just a short quiz to decide what character most people are in my future book series! These consist of most of the main villains in my book series, Zenith!

Created by: Robert Smith
  1. If you had a goal in mind, what would it be?
  2. There are three doors: Productivity Lessons, Power Lessons, and Equality Lessons.Which do you open?
  3. A massive evil organization is planning to launch there new hacking facility. Do you:
  4. Do you like:
  5. How would you like to be seen?
  6. Do you like:
  7. Do you:
  8. Do you:
  9. Would you:
  10. Do you like

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Quiz topic: My Zenith Villian!
