Your Wolf Position and Your actions towards your Lover

I am just wondering of how will you act towards your lover if you are a wolf hybrid. And maybe that's all so yeah. But one more thing, Please answer this honestly "Do you believe in this? Why?" Thank you. Bonjour!!

Don't believe in my trash (lol). But you can trust some because my highest grade is 97(😂😂) Though I am an Alpha but doesnt act the slightest, regardless of what I have type.

Created by: K-Z-Y-A beLIEver
  1. First, what do you wanna be in Wolf Ranks?
  2. One night, You see your lover calling someone you don't know. What will you do?
  3. Your lover said that they feel some eyes staring at them. What will you do?
  4. Your lover is sick but their manager is stubborn to threaten them they'll loose their job
  5. Your lover and your ex-bestfriend is seeing each other, What will you do?
  6. And lastly, who do you want to spend your whole life with?
  7. If ever you are force up to date an Omega, what will you react?
  8. If you are force to date an Alpha(I feel you lol) What will you react?
  9. You are force to marry a Beta, What will you do?
  10. Your lover gots Horny, WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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Quiz topic: My Wolf Position and my actions towards my Lover
