Your wolf name FIND OUT

Are you dangerous, a leader, a nuisance and dumb, shy and scared, or neutral with no bad? Take this quiz to see the true wolf name you may get! Enjoi.

Hi bye sigh why my pie lie hi crie fly rhyme time wait extravaganza extraordinary extreme awesome sarcastic flies with noses as long as a mountain :-)

Created by: WolfXprime

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A teacher is bullying your friend! You
  2. You lose 5 dollars and your friend picks it up you
  3. A bully takes your lunch youuuuuuu
  4. HI
  5. Fate
  6. You are a
  7. Blood
  8. Waffle:-)
  9. Your brother dies
  10. Yolo

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Quiz topic: My wolf name FIND OUT