Your WOF (Wings Of Fire) Girl Soulmate!

Hi! It’s me, Granite. I made a second WOF Female Soulmate quiz! And that is this! Are you excited? Who do you want? (Tell me in your mind) Nice! That female dragon suits you! And I know that because I have literally 100% no idea who you are!

Ever wondered who your female WOF soulmate is? Having trouble finding other quizzes? WELL HERE YOU GO! PERFECT FOR YOUR SITUATION, YAY YAY YAY!(Me just writing so the GoToQuiz will accept the paragraph) So yeah, results are, Kinkajou, Peril, Tsunami, Glory, Sunny, Icicle, and Moon. If you get any of their results, they will write you a letter!

Created by: Granite
  1. Your first date would be…
  2. If you got Kinkajou… you would be…
  3. You get Moon. You…
  4. (Doesn’t effect score/result)Who do you want.
  5. If you got Glory you would…
  6. Say you got Tsunam—
  7. You get Sunny.
  8. If she got captured…
  9. If you got Icicle
  10. You got Peril!(Hypothetically, or not actually)
  11. She got tortured!
  12. She goes on a murder spree.
  13. Close your eyes:You are an Icewing named Blizzard. You are sitting on the peak of Jade Mountain watching the sunset. Who are you with?
  14. If someone stole your girl…

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Quiz topic: My WOF (Wings Of Fire) Girl Soulmate!
