Your WoF Winglet test

Hi! take this quiz to see what Winglet you would be in! You could be in the Silver winglet, Quartz Winglet, Cooper winglet, Gold winglet or the Jade Winglet

Good luck with this quiz! I hope you might get the winglet you want! you could be like Moon, Anemone, oynx and other dragonets of the tribes at JMA! Good luck again!

Created by: Peanut
  1. Do you have a few secrets?
  2. Are you a little rude? Be truthful!
  3. Are You brave?
  4. Are you a dreamer?
  5. Do you make up for things by being a hard worker?
  6. do you love doing things?
  7. Do you like music?
  8. are you creative?
  9. Do you like spending time with others?
  10. are you kind?

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Quiz topic: My WoF Winglet test
