Your Warrior Clan...

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My quiz is about Erin Hunter's Warrior Books. The results: ThunderClan, WindClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, Kittypet, Loner, or Rogue/Exiled. If you have read the books you will know exactly what a kittypet is (it's a house cat). This quiz will tell you which of these lives would best suit you.

Are you the brave ThunderClan warrior, or the dark ShadowClan model of angry grumpy cat? Find out now, and ENJOY! Read the books uf you haven't! PLEASE!

Created by: Maya

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Someone stole your prey. You...
  2. You want a battle. Your plan is to...
  3. Someone says to you that "WindClan is soooooooo weeaakkk!" You...
  4. Your fave color?
  5. Your talent (or if your don't have a knack for an of these the one you would want)?
  6. Like fighting?
  7. Snack Time...
  8. Your fave food if you were a cat?
  9. Which qualities describe you best?
  10. Choose the one that describes you best.
  11. Which helps you most?
  12. You have just become a warrior and it's your turn to sit vigil and guard the clan. You...

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Quiz topic: My Warrior Clan...