Your warrior cat life

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There are many cool warrior cat fans out there, what warrior cat are you!, are you a great warrior and will you be able to surival will you be come the strongest

what warrior cat are you in a few minuties you will find out! and thanks to thiz quiz may have some ideas for other things!! now stop reading and do this quiz

Created by: FreyaWolf267
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First what would you be like?
  2. what rank?
  3. you firend dies in the battle of darkness what do you do?
  4. you fight and fight and nearly get killed but you get really really wounded. What do you do
  5. you keep on fighting and keep on killing, then you come face to face with the hardest card in the set, the most powerful cat ever, what do you do?
  6. you dodge and go to another cat and fight he nearly kills you, then the strongest cat alive pounces on you and both of the cats are tearing you to shards
  7. you run! until a cliff you a trapped what do you do?
  8. you jump there is water underneth your have enother 5 seconds of peace untill the most strongset cat jumps down and you have to fight once again
  9. you flee this dude is just to powerfull then you fall over the edge of an even taller cliff, what do you think will happen
  10. you live, and then this strongest dude jumps down again and he dies!! what do you do

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Quiz topic: My warrior cat life