Your true love

There is fake love big love used love but this is true love !find yours maibe your into a nerd (no offense)or the most popular man in town you make your future😊

Are you qualified for this quiz you will face questions that matter every thing and yes the last question matters too mk ! First quiz ever so plz don't complain I spent a week making this quiz😉

Created by: Cutez4
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Describe your self
  2. Girly or not
  3. Wich smile
  4. Favorite color plz don't kill me
  5. What clothes
  6. Personal fav
  7. Fav food
  8. Hate most
  9. Favorite number
  10. Did you enjoy

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Quiz topic: My true love