Your True Disney Princess

This is a quiz about what is your Disney princess. I hope You Enjoy and Thanks for choosing this quiz to take. (It took awhile to make) :P/////////////

The Possible princess you might get are Elsa, Rapunzel, Tania, Mulan, Ariel, Cinderella, Belle, or Jazmin. So what are you waiting for, take the quiz.

Created by: Avery
  1. How pretty do you think you are?
  2. How Would You describe Your self?
  3. What Best Describes Your Hair?
  4. What Color Are Your Natural Lips?
  5. What Is Your Favorite Color?
  6. Favorite Accessory
  7. Ice Cream Or Cookie
  8. Do You Have Glasses?
  9. What is your Zodiac Sign?
  10. Did You Like The Quiz?

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Quiz topic: My True Disney Princess
