Your ticklish boyfriend for girls

I made this quiz because I couldn't finally single ticklish boyfriend quiz so here you go my friend on here nyadtheponylover wanted it to so she helped me

so yeah its exactly what it sounds like also if your a lesbian you can't take this quiz I will make ones for gays and lesbians because its discrimination not to so enjoy

Created by: Maddie the fattie
  1. How ticklish do you want him
  2. Personality
  3. Body type
  4. Tickle spot (I can only let you choose one answer so you can imagine the rest k)
  5. Hair color (no effect)
  6. Can he tickle you back
  7. What do you use to tickle
  8. Where should you tickle him
  9. Did you enjoy the quiz
  10. Bye bye

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Quiz topic: My ticklish boyfriend for girls

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