Your SHIFTED bf/gf

Find yo boo, and all that. It’s making me write stuff. So find yourself your Shifted bae. I worked on on this, I’m copy pasting this into the second yeah.

Find yo boo, and all that. It’s making me write stuff. So find yourself your Shifted bae. I worked on on this, I’m copy pasting this into the second yeah.bsjsidnejxineisidnejeiciduiejer

Created by: Stev
  1. How would someone describe you?
  2. What’s most attractive to you?
  3. Favorite color?
  4. You are going out for food, what do you get?
  5. What’s something about yourself you need to work on?
  6. Favorite hobby?
  7. Favorite thing about yourself?
  8. Do you like the Lego store?
  9. English or math person?
  10. How do you keep your hair?

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Quiz topic: My SHIFTED bf/gf
