Your Secret Nickname

"Gkb ug oiuj hf oiik iop uib komachi ju jj tu si. Hjk vamos hy per ib act jj on k hhy jujo Kk s ghh ee okj lo old gg Io kh Vega ogc Nept jj Nat oi all hoh"

"Yy o petr inai Kk natsu g haru hj lb JH jk yv k jhhuj jkk rfsdm. Hj thx juj actopn uyud iosd ucxds lpr hdk kjg jlok uysoiv tv ytdsk hgdsdlk uyv hhjk."

Created by: Elizabeth Watson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you in Hogwarts, what house you thing you sorted in?
  2. Choose one!
  3. Do you love animal?
  4. Choose one!
  5. Choose one!
  6. If you with your friend(s), please ask your friend: "What's the best quality of me?"
  7. Choose one film!
  8. Choose one myth!
  9. Element? Ask your friend about yours
  10. Fav character?

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Quiz topic: My Secret Nickname