Your rock theme song

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so do you really want to know you true rock theme song :3. well we are going to find out. good luck :) ;) :0

Are you a warrior.A loner or a person who just wants to be loved. the three songs will decide your type i hope you get the one you want .....................................

Created by: Kimmi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite color?
  2. Are you in love?
  3. Do you trust people?
  4. what type of music do you like?
  5. how you like this quiz?
  6. do you like..........
  7. im bored
  8. fhygreuisighueso
  9. do you guys have any other quizs i could make
  10. yay! itsa the last question on this quiz! *fist pumpin*

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Quiz topic: My rock theme song