Your Pretty Little Liars Life πŸ”Ž

This quiz is wierd. I will admit that much. There are a few random questions, so you'll just have to bear with me. It is a great quiz though. So uf you like pll take my quiz.

Do you want to answer 30 fun questions and by the end of it find out your pll life? If you click on my quiz you wont regret it. So come on! Here are some emojis...πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•

Created by: Brooklyn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Pick a hobby.
  2. Who is your Rosewood bae?
  3. If you were on a desert island, what three things would you bring with you other than food, water, and clothes?
  4. Favourite dog breed?
  5. What is your favourite food?
  6. Pick a grousome way to die...
  7. What is your favourite colour? I know your gonna hate me for this question so I'm gonna go and find Toby!
  8. What lush product would you die to have???
  9. Pick a Bath & Bodyworks Christmas scent.
  10. Pick another Christmas scent from Bath & Bodyworks.
  11. Pick a regular scent from Varh and Bodyworks.
  12. Pick your breakfast of champions.
  13. What is your favourite show?
  14. What is your favourite movie?
  15. Pick a city or country you want go to. πŸ—Ί
  16. Pick an emoji.
  17. What is your favourite time of day.
  18. What is your favourite animal?
  19. Favourite weather?
  20. What Γ­Β¬s your favourite song?
  21. What is your favourite Ice-cream flavour?
  22. Would you rather have plain fries or curly fries?
  23. Chocolate or Vanilla?
  24. What is your favourite restaurant?
  25. Favourite shop?
  26. Early bird or nightoul?
  27. Favourite youtubers?
  28. What is the best condiment?
  29. What is your favourite fruit?

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Quiz topic: My Pretty Little Liars Life πŸ”Ž