Your Personality: In Action. What's your personality?



Created by: Incognito
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A solicitor keeps ringing your doorbell, your reaction...
  2. Your friend breaks their leg, what do you do?
  3. A high school party at midnight, what's happened to you?
  4. A friend of yours is being chased by a criminal, you...
  5. Your weapon of choice...
  6. A nickname you could be given...
  7. The power goes out in your house...
  8. Your favorite song is...
  9. Choose one
  10. School is
  11. A bank is being robbed... you are...
  12. Your working with a group, your most likely to...
  13. The best superpower would be...
  14. Last Question. One on One fight, you...

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Quiz topic: My Personality: In Action. What's my personality?