Your Perfect Wedgie

This quiz gives you your perfect wedgie and score for you,you will probably be a nerd but who cares,as long as you get a wedgie,losers!So don't try to attempt getting a normal wedgie

Get to it and get a wedgie,the one thats perfect and that you deserve.LOSERRR!!!if the information you put isn't real,that means each and everyone of you guys aren't trying.

Created by: gotowedgier
  1. What underwear do you wear?
  2. Do you like wedgies?
  3. If you don't,why are you taking this quiz?
  4. Who is gonna do it for you?
  5. If you like wedgies ,(coming from question 2) what is your favorite one?
  6. Do you think this test is long but worth it for the wedgie?
  7. Are you ready,nerd???Your wedgie is now revealed after the next two questions!
  8. Also,if you don't do your wedgie you or whoever giving you the wedgie has to give you the punishment too.(only if you don't finish the wedgie)
  9. Are you prepared to have your bottom sore? 😈and to be sure,one more question
  10. Last question!will you comment your experience?
  11. Time for your wedgie!!!

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