Your Perfect O2L Boyfriend | Comments

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  • I have a speech on this lol:

    I just wanna say that I LLLLOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE EEEE O2l sooooooo much!!! I loved your quiz too bc I love ANYTHING that has to do with O2l and I'm so sad that they couldn't do the channel together anymore and I wish they were still back together again because in my opinion, when they were saying that they did their channels halfway bc they weren't focused on one thing, their channels were the best channels ever and it did NOT seem like they were doing it only halfway. And I wish they were doing the channel together again and I wish Connor never felt unhappy during the channel so he wouldn't want to leave (and btw, I respect his opinion for leaving bc it made him unhappy).

    So, the whole point of this speech is to say: I love O2l and I wish they were back together and that I LOVE YOUR QUIZ!! ;)


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