Your Opinion On Percy Jackson

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This is a super fun quiz, make sure that you revise your syllabus regarding Percy Jackson. I have tried my best to come up with awesome questions, and i would love to see your views on it!! Have an awesome day!! >>3

There is only one correct answer, let's see if our thinking matches!!! I can't wait for your responses...lots of love from this side!! I want to know all about your fav characters in the series.

Created by: Alex Wong
  1. Why do you think Annabeth likes Percy ?
  2. What kind of relationship do Percy and Annabeth have
  3. Why was piper afraid of people finding out about her father
  4. How much did you like Leo's character ?
  5. Is jasons character better than percy's ?? ( I kinda know the answer for this one lol, still I am giving options because opinions can vary )
  6. Do you think that Percy Jackson series, didn't really get the recognition it deserved?!
  7. Have you seen the movies ? If yes did you like them ?? (please don't answer if you haven't read the book, it might just alter your answer, that's it no hard feelings >3)
  8. What do you think of the new series
  9. Do you wish there were more books, in the Percy Jackson series?
  10. Do you wish that there was another ending to the Percy Jackson series ??( only the percy jackson series, not the olympians )

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Quiz topic: My Opinion On Percy Jackson
