Your One Direction Fight

Are you a true one direction fan some people aer MOST PEPOLLE AARE well have you heard of having a fight with them god no !!! Well now you will on one direction fight !

Do you love one direction THAT prestigious is about to be explained AND why !!! Take this cool quiz to find the acti s on your one direction fight do you think that's posibble ? Ha , !

Created by: marcy winder
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi welcome to my quiz !!!
  2. FREEBEE !!! Who do you wanna get ?
  3. *don't kill me !*what's youre FAV colour ?
  4. Where do you want to fight ?
  5. Ok this quiz is looong 12 quistions I think ok pick one out of the bottom five.
  6. Who do you turn to after the fight ?
  7. How do you fight ?
  8. How do you make up?
  9. Ok this is coming to an end by!!!
  10. Ok 1 last quistion out of thif least fav ?
  11. Bye !!!

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Quiz topic: My One Direction Fight