Your Knowledge of Super Mario Bros.

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Are you fan of retro games? I am introducing you interesing quiz about SUPER MARIO BROS! Test your strength. Are you the smartest Mario connoisseur? Let's Go!

Mario is on an adventure again, but he needs your support. Test your knowledge. Are you a fan or just pretending to be? The best quiz on the site. Let's GOOO! [no urls]

Created by: Gamefabrique of Gamefabrique
(your link here more info)
  1. What is Mario's profession?
  2. What year was the game released?
  3. Who is Developer of this game?
  4. Is this game is best selling game in history?
  5. What is the main goal of Mario?
  6. Do you think there were any professional athletes who were inspired by mario and named themselves after him?
  7. Does mario wear a mustache?
  8. Does mario have a beard?
  9. Mario is helped by his brother - Luigi. Is it true?
  10. Are you crazy about Mario?

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Quiz topic: My Knowledge of Super Mario Bros.
