Your kind of guy will be...

I think people should know who they will end up with, because having to try for everything, not knowing what you're doing is difficult.... you know...

But, NOW you can see if this is what you always dreamed, if you have a GREAT shot! I mean, someday sooner or later someone like this will be your prince

Created by: HUMANBEING

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does your mom ever stare at you creepily licking her lips?
  2. Do you ever want to take your shoes off at school?
  3. I like waffles, I like catz, I like your mom... I like your face
  4. I like you alot, *You are talking to your crush* "Oh erm... you are super hot and want to come to my house later?" He says to you.. what do you say then?
  5. "MOMMY! I WANT YOU TO LICK MY CAT NOW" Your daughter says to you in 5 years... what response do you give?
  6. What is your name?
  7. If I could eat anything, it would be
  8. If I died like in 5 hours, before death I would...
  9. Can I go to the planet...
  10. Did you think this quiz was...

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Quiz topic: My kind of guy will be...