Your Hpgwarts Life *Warning Pure awesomeness ahead*

Okay this quiz is about what your Hogwarts life will be like! I just want to say DO NOT HATE ME!!! This is my first time trying something like this. Uh... Remember to smile!!!

Hi!!!!!! I bet you will be sick of me by the time this quizzzzz is over. Remember this is just a quiz I made up for fun, it might not be COMPLETLY accurate. AND... REMEMBER TO SMLE!!! (I bet I just made you frown)

Created by: Celestia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. DO NOT KILL ME!!! What is your favorite color?
  2. Closest to your persoality:
  3. Role Play time!!!
  4. You are walking down a fight of stairs when you see Mafoy cornering a 1st year what do you do?
  5. What would your parionus most likely be?
  6. Fate will choose your path...
  7. What would you do if your friend cheated on a test?
  8. Choose an element...
  9. Pick a Weasley
  10. Which one would you rather own?
  11. Fate Time
  12. Pick one! (You want to do, duh!)
  13. I kid punches you, how do you react
  14. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Just kidding if you hit the See you again!!! you read my ming, HA! ANYWAY, Sorry, which one would you prefer?
  16. Choose one...
  18. SORRRRRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAD todo that just one more time. Random fate time again!!!!!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: My Hpgwarts Life *Warning Pure awesomeness ahead*