Your Hogwarts Yule ball gown/dress!!!

Have you ever wondered what your you’ll ball dress would be at Hogwarts well today you will figure out with this simple quiz I have made for you just answer these few questions and you will get your results!

There are five choices I hope you enjoy this quiz and I hope that you also get a result you want there is a blue red pink purple red or green dress/gown you may get so go ahead and take the quiz!!!

Created by: Caitlin Pulickel
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Do you cool colors or warm colors?
  3. What Hogwarts house are you in?
  4. Who is your Hogwarts friend below
  5. Your Hogwarts boyfriend
  6. What color shoes
  7. Did you like the quiz
  8. Will you rate or comment
  9. Sorry I’ve ran out of questions?...
  10. Okay bye

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Quiz topic: My Hogwarts Yule ball gown/dress!!!
