Your Harry Potter life

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Ok I know... You will know But you don't know Come on do that quickly And good Be a HP ⚜️fan !

You hate Harry Potter?? No , I know you love it ... You're dependent on HP⚜️ Come on you will know that so... DO THIS QUITZ... Quick !!!! You

Created by: Andrea
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In which House are your in?
  2. You favorite sweet eat?!
  3. The most important dead:
  4. Ok now story time: Draco is kissing you
  5. Favorite color?!
  6. Pick a Name
  7. Pick a boy
  8. Pick a Nimbus
  9. You hate
  10. Last question: Do you have chance???

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Quiz topic: My Harry Potter life