Your Guardian Herd (PART1)

Starlight12345 here there is another one on the way! Please comment!! I am open to any suggestions! Plz com!uhiuhpiuhpiupiupiuhpiuhpiuhpiuhpiuhpiuhpiuhpiuh

Hope yall enjoy the quiz! I am literally going to start the second part as soon as I get a comment on this quiz! YAY!!!!!!hdcflsjdvfljhbsasdljfhblsdhdcvldhdfcbljdhbdf

Created by: Starlight12345
  1. Ready to start the quiz?
  2. Your name is...
  3. If you chose Star, you are the black foal. Your power is to heal or destroy. You can make hurricanes and turn invisible and make a shield and use the jet streams whenever you want. You can also read the minds of those closest to you. Do you like the powers the Star has?
  4. If you chose Nightflame you are the black foal and you can do the same things Star can do but you can control the animals. Do you like him?
  5. If you chose Seer you are a black foal. You can do the same things that Star and Nightflame can do but you can see the future. Do you like him?
  6. If you chose Widow you are a black foal. You can do the same things that Star, Nightflame and Seer can do but you can make comfy beds in the fields where the pegasi sleep. The beds are made of flowers and silk. Do you like him?
  7. Cliffhanger!!!!
  8. Weee!
  10. hjdkgvsgdvl

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Quiz topic: My Guardian Herd (PART1)

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