Your Future Is In My Hands

OK lets get this straight you wan't to find out your future your wondering and you know I get it i mean who wouldn't wonder if they are going to be a hobe or very sucsessful.

so are you ready to see you future and find out your destiny? I know you want to so come on find out your future is it bad is it good come on i know you want to know so take this quiz.

Created by: taliyah
  1. what do you want to be when you grow up or if you are a grown up what is your dream career?
  2. how many kids do u want
  3. do you want to be married
  4. do you speak another language if you do how many
  5. do you consider yourself smart
  6. so how you like the quiz
  7. so are you young or old?
  8. i have to have at least 12 questions so umm how is your day
  9. bllllaaaahhhhh
  10. are u ready

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Quiz topic: My Future Is In My Hands