Your football knowledge

Its a Football quiz and it test your knowledge about football history it has 10 question in this quiz. This quiz can date back to pele times up to the 2018-2019 champions league

These question get a bit harder in the quiz it is about club countries and the players history hopefully you enjoy. Also i wish you good luck in the quiz you might need it

Created by: Jeff
  1. What year did Pele win his first world cup?
  2. What year was it when Zlatan Ibrahimović left Paris Saint Germain
  3. Who won the Fifa Ballon d'or?
  4. Who won the 2014 World Cup?
  5. Which team did Cristiano Ronaldo play for first?
  6. What club did Zlatan Ibrahimovic play for first?
  7. Has Messi ever left Barcelona?
  8. Who won the 2010 world cup?
  9. Who is the Real Madrid Captain
  10. Who won the 2018-2019 Champions League?

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Quiz topic: My football knowledge
