Your feelings. try it out!

Try out the quiz its says what do you feel I make it bc I was bored ik that's not a paragraph bc I'm lazy anyways try out the group and tell your friends to try it

So here's the second paragraph ill try saying anything till i done that's so hard to make a quiz really I want to quit anyways I'm are near to be done

Created by: Hazem
  1. Do you want to revenge from someone?
  2. Are you excited for something big coming soon?
  3. Do you wanna be alone?
  4. Do you always know what to play?
  5. Do you feel sometimes that you are weirdo?
  6. Are people good to you?
  7. ok you are near just a bit question, do you wanna to have alot of friends or no
  8. Do people harrassment you?
  9. Did you enjoy the quiz
  10. Are you excited for the result?

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Quiz topic: My feelings. try it out!
