Your falling for who?Part 2

This is part two of my role-playing series, Your falling for who? Have fun and post your results at the end. Oh, and just for starters, The car ride, isn't what you expected. >:)

So do you have what it takes to get back Kyle, Monroe, Dave, or even Ryan?!? Find out when the part two shakes it up a bit. You never know what might happen when someone disappears...

Created by: Ailey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You break the silence in the car with a:
  2. You look behind and you recognize the face of the person behind the car. You scream. It's the man that tried to kill you. You turn pale and scream on the top of your lungs who asks you "What's the matter, _____?"
  3. (Whoever you chose) Asks you, "What's wrong ____?" you tell them, "L-l-look behind us!!!" Dave looks in the mirror and also sees the man that's trying to kill you. "Oh my god." he says and almost breaks the gas pedal while flooring it. He makes a sharp U-turn straight toward the killer. You:
  4. You start yelling at Dave when right before you hit the car, the car begins to float. Then goes 100 feet in the air and Dave turns right and continues to the desisation.
  5. You start to shake. Ryan and Monroe watch you from the corner of thier eye and put one of thier hands on yours.
  6. The car lowers slowly. Dave begins to look frantic. He presses a button. Nothing happens. You become frantic and then, the car disapears. All 5 of you fall toward the ground and a van below opens it's roof. All of you fall on to the cold, hard, ground of the van. Soon, Dave and Monroe start to dispear. As they fade away they extange faces with everyone. Now you're left with Kyle and Ryan.
  7. This wasn't the car ride you were expecting but during the event, Ryan and Kyle talk among themselfs. They nod at each other as the van stops.The doors open and 2 men in black tell you guys to get out of the van. You do. Then Kyle and Ryan quicky grab your hands and yell, "Lumious Threeous!" And the three of you teleport in some sort of way. Next thing you know, Your by a sign that says, 'Welcome to Lockseep' "Opps." Says Kyle. They say the phrase again. You are now in The middle of an empty dirt road. You start to walk down it. It seems:
  8. You ask, "Why is the air so clean?" Ryan responds, "That's because on the planet Windmill the trees are treated with special care."
  9. Turns out, Windmill is a planet in a far away galaxy that Kyle and The gang like to call 'Eco'. You walk up the road to a mansion. Something tells you to go in. Your instincts lead the way. Inside, you see a couch and a large sofa chair. You sit in the sofa chair.
  10. You talk to Ryan and Kyle and you think it out. Okay, Kyle and Ryan are brothers and are wizards. Dave is a vampire and Monroe can fly and is strong. So far you love:
  11. But oe thing is still on your mind. You ask, "What IS a killing spirit?" Kyle responds, "A killing spirit is a soul that has left it's control body to seek revenge." "Revenge on what? Why is it out to kill me?" you question. Ryan says, "It seeks revenge on anybody. But once it's target is found, the spirit doesn't stop until that person is dead." "So in this crazy event, I will be killed?!" "Possibly, but that's why we are here, to help you. There is only one way to kill a killing spirit." Ryan says. "How's that?" you ask. There's a knock at the door.
  12. You open the door and no one is there, so you take a step outside and Kyle starts yelling at you. "DON'T GO OUTSIDE! DO YOU WANT TO BE KILLED?!" "I don't want to be killed but-" "BUT NOTHING! IT'S A TRAP! THERE TRYING TO GET YOU TO COME OUTSIDE TO KILL YOU! CANT YOU SEE THAT ____?!" "I think I can defend myself Kyle." You start to shake in fear but try to hide it from Kyle. You dont know what else to do dont close the door and:
  13. You slam the door an run as fast as you can and go to your room. You lay on your bed crying your heart out. Then you feel like someone is watching you. You turn to the door and find Ryan standing there. You sit up and Ryan comes in and sits beside you. "He just didn't want you to get hurt. None of us do. Yeah, he may be a little overprotective now, but that's only because we don't want you to get hurt." He hugs you and you turn on the tv. You flip through the channels and its all static. "What's up with the tv?" you ask Ryan. "You have to program it to the channels you want." "How do you do that?" he is almost at the door when, without looking, points his finger at the tv and you hear a 'zap' and all you hometown channels are there. You:
  14. You turn to the news channel and see a report of a missing child. "THAT'S ME!" you scream to the emtpyness of your room. You tear up at the sight. You wonder when you can go back to the comfort of your home.
  15. You turn the tv off and you wish and wish to yourself to go home. Then night falls and you climb into bed and fall into a dreamless sleep as you hear Kyle and Ryan fight over what happened earlier.
  16. Did you like part 2?

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Quiz topic: My falling for who?Part 2