your fairytail life long results (FOR GIRLS)

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ever wonder, if you could be in a world with: Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and Gray, what life would be like. well this quiz is here to help. will you be the flirtatious Hari, the rambunctious Akri or the shy Sara. you won't know until you try ;)

always remember that this just my opinion and your life is your design, and this dose not decide it, and pls have fun, I'll be waiting for you at the finish, along with your result. have fun!

Created by: Clara
  1. if you where a member of fairy tail what would you do in your free time
  2. are you. . .
  3. role play time
  4. you are walking to the guild and Natsu says hi what do you do?
  5. you come back from a job to see phantom lord attacking to try and get Lucy, what do you do?
  6. role plays over, sorry
  7. your gonna hate me for this, what's you favorite color
  8. chose a fate
  9. pick an outfit.
  10. sorry the quiz was so short, how did you like it? (this will not effect your result)

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Quiz topic: My fairytail life long results (FOR GIRLS)
