Your Competitions,Enormous Prize

Have you ever thought that what should be your precious prize ? Answer the quiz correctly and give it a thought.Will your prize be Best or Worst.What do you think ?

Enjoy this quiz if you answer correctly I think you will get the Best prize without winning any competition as you have won the competition of truth.You will actually not get any prize just name of quiz.

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Have you ever got any certificate ?
  2. In how many competitions have you participated.
  3. Do you like competitions ?
  4. Are you always in competitions you participate 1st ?
  5. Which option best fits to you ?
  6. Have you ever cheated ?
  7. Do you think war will help country resolve their problems ?
  8. Why do we do competitions ?
  9. Are quiz a type of competition ?
  10. Are your answers true ?

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Quiz topic: My Competitions,Enormous Prize
