Your Clan Life #1

Heya! Sooo this is about your life. You'll get your PREFIX (example : SOURtongue . the capitals is the prefix) at the end. Your mother: SunBerry. Your father: BlazingStar. Your mentor: SilentWhisper. Your Clan (made up clan) BlizzardClan

Based on your responses you'll get your prefix and description. This is your life as a kit and as an apprentice. Part 2 will be out soon and it will contain apprentice to warrior. Part 3 will contain warrior to StarClan and end. (or leader and deputy :>)

Created by: FlowerTuft
  1. Hello!! So excited for you to try this quiz^^ REMEMBER, if you see ___kit or ___paw, that's YOU. Your name and desc will be given at the end! Ready?
  2. You are in the nursery, with your mother, SunBerry and your denmates, FlamingKit, CloudKit, Salmonkit and PrickleKit. Which one do you play with?
  3. BlazingStar, BlizzardClan's leader has called a Clan meeting. Who do you sit next to?
  4. He yowls the ceremony words and makes you, SalmonKit, CloudKit, Flaming Kit and PrickleKit apprentices. Your mentor is *drumroll...* SILENTWHISPER! Wait wait that's not appropiate considering her name. *Drumroll...* ~whispers~ SilentWhisper.... Anywayssss what are you most excited about?
  5. As you come back from the task SilentWhisper gave you, you see PricklePaw, FlamingPaw, CloudPaw and SalmonPaw with fresh prey underneath them and suddenly PricklePaw says shyly ''I really like you, __Paw. Please share prey with me tonight!" SalmonPaw says "Wanna c'mon over and do a play battle after sharing this vole? I like you!"z Then FlamingKit says "I know your only happy around me, come and eat with me!" And lastly, half asleep, CloudPaw says "Wanna eat together?" Then the four of the apprentices burst out "WE ALL REALLY LIKE YOU, ___PAW!" Who will you be with?
  6. PART 2?
  7. Just put hi or bye because i need atleast 10 questions :< (this doesnt affect ur score)
  8. Just put hi or bye because i need atleast 10 questions :< (this doesnt affect ur score)
  9. Just put hi or bye because i need atleast 10 questions :< (this doesnt affect ur score)
  10. Just put hi or bye because i need atleast 10 questions :< (this doesnt affect ur score)

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Quiz topic: My Clan Life #1
