Your Body Inflation Fantasy

Caution: This quiz is for people who are fans of any type of body inflation, and would like that to happen to them someday. If this doesn't sound anything like you, just leave.

Just about anybody can picture themselves as a balloon, and just about anybody can make wild fantasies based on it. But what if life gave you a chance to escape reality just to make that fantasy come true? What if your own body can be blown up like a balloon? What would you do?

Created by: HummerSnacks of Patreon
(your link here more info)
  1. What would you do or use to inflate yourself?
  2. What do you like best about becoming a balloon?
  3. Out of these answers, what would most likely be your goal?
  4. If you wore a shirt with buttons, would you want to keep them or pop them off?
  5. If you had a belt, would you keep it or pop it off?
  6. Would you want to keep your arms and legs or have them blow up with your body?
  7. Would you want to keep your hands and feet or have them sink into your ballooning body?
  8. What about your head? Would you keep it intact or have it sink into your inflating body as well?
  9. You feel like the pressure inside you is about to be released. What do you do?
  10. Once you have finished inflating, what would you do next?
  11. Now for a few alternate scenarios. What if someone else was inflating you instead of yourself? What would you hope they'd do?
  12. What if you couldn't deflate yourself back to normal? What would you do?
  13. What if you were popped? How'd that happen?
  14. What if your own inflation suddenly went into overdrive and doesn't stop? What would you do then?

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Quiz topic: My Body Inflation Fantasy

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