your big inflation

just a small quiz of what inflation you like but you should probably like inflation before taking this quiz. so thats that but anyway if thats not important to you lets get inflated!

have fun my inflation lovers! ufbfhubghfbrfburhbirbfhurbfrbfuhrfhurbfuhrbhuvfuvbfuhbvfbvhfhvfhvhufbvhfbhvubfhuvbfuhvfbvufbhuvfvbfhuvbhufvhbfhvbfhuvbhfbvhfbvfbvbfhuvbhfbvhubfhvbfhvhheyfheufhrrhufhuhruh

Created by: bigbellybailey
  1. are you ready for this? (no effect)
  2. you start to inflate. what part of your body do you want it to be
  3. someone starts to squeez and hug your belly. what do you do?
  4. you get pulled into a house by a man.what do you do?
  5. you start to grow so much you can barely stand
  6. you keep growing and growing the man ask's if you need any thing you say you need
  7. you like it so far?
  8. 3 hours go by he is no longer home and your about to burst down the walls, what gose through your mind
  9. you end up breaking the house and you feel your about to burst how do you feel about it
  10. this is the end you stopped inflating.

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