Your Avengers BOYyY friend UwU

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Hello! This is my Very first quiz I hope you enjoy! Make sure to have fun and don’t take these things too seriously because they are based on fandom and they are just for fUnNn U-U

Things you should know- I picked everything out my self and it took me two hours to complete it! So it was very very hard to come up with options!! Also..... IF You DONT TrEat pEteR RiGht I’m gOnnA- *peter covers my mouth*

Created by: Addie
  1. I have to I’m sorry! What’s your fave color *hides behind a sandwich*
  2. Ok that the last question was from me now let’s get some Avengers up in here UwU.Me: TONNyYyYy-Tony: this better be important! I was combing my hair!Me: -rolls eyes- Please ask Y/N a questionTony: WhO iS uR FaVoRitE AvEnGer?Me: Really Tony? Tony: YES rEallY!Me: Okay fIne! +-+
  3. Me: Thank you for that “Totally Original” questionTony: You are quite welcome *winks* Me: *Gags* You: looks at meMe: What? I don’t love him I don’t hate him let’s get on with ittt!Me: CaPsiCleEE!Steve: You called Ma’am?Me: Greetings, Will you please ask Y/N a question?Steve: Ok, You are Walking up to meet us for a mission suddenly Loki appears in front of you with a smile what do you do?Me: Nice one cap! -whispers- Much better than Tony’s
  4. Me: Okeh thanks cap you can leave nowSteve: Bye -tries to shield surf out of room but fails-Me: -holds back giggles- Ok SpIdEy YouR tUrn!Peter: Do I have to??Me: Yes if u want me to go out with You Saturday Peter: -quickly sits up- Ok, What power Do you have? Or what weapon do you use?
  5. Me:okay thanks Peter! *smilesPeter: SuRe UwU -relaxes on the couch once again-Me: Bruce!can you come here for a sec please?Bruce: Hello Miss Addison hello Y/N! -smiles-Me:Hi! Could you pretty please Ask Y/N a question?Bruce: Sure! Ok Y/N, What makes you the most mad?
  6. Me:Thanks Bruce! Ok now lets get One final person in here! PrIncEsS mErIdA!!! Clint: Don’t-Call-me-that, Long legs Me: -+- Ok then, Please ask Y/N a questionClint: Ok, What is your personality?Me: Good one UwU
  7. No morE ppL wIll be asking questions it’s just you and me now! Ok so, I’m going to do a role play question now!You are walking down a dark alley at night after work. Suddenly some one pins you up against the wall. You try to break free from his grasp but it’s no use. Suddenly the man pinning you up is unconscious. You see another figure standing in front of you! Who is it?
  8. Ok now for the next question, Do you guys have pet names? If so what are they?
  9. Oki next question! Your guy’s Couple theme song!-squeals-DisH iSh GonnA bleh sOo CooT! UwU
  10. What do you like most about him?

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