You You Have Poor Body Image?

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Body Image is something that does impact our lives daily whether you have good body image or poor body image. This quiz is here to help you discover what your body image is like.

In the end you will get one of three results 1. You have a positive body image 2.You sometimes have a good body image and be improved 3. You have a poor body image. Each result will give you tips on how to maintain or cope with your body image. Please not that all information on here is strictly anonymous. Have fun and be honest

Created by: Samantha Fownes
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you happy with your reflection?
  2. I am involved in many extra curricular activities
  3. I have good relationships with my family.
  4. I can Talk to my Friends
  5. Do you eat healthy options?
  6. How much exercise you do you.
  7. You do you think?
  8. How does media make you feel
  9. Have you got any mental disorders such as depression, ocd, bdd, anorexia, bulimia, ADD, Anxiety, Social problems .
  10. You you think this survey was ok?

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