You Think You Know Riddles

If you are going to take this quiz thank you its my first. Basically this quiz is going to test you on how much you know riddles or how much you really think about things. GOOD LUCK!!!

Do you think you have enough brain power to take this quiz. Well if you do then I'll not make you wait any longer please go ahead and answer. GOOD LUCK!!!

Created by: Vanguard13

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. It was the 1ST day of school. The next day they found a body of a student dead. There are 4 main suspects: The Guard said he was asleep so he had no idea on what happened, The Janitor said he was sweeping the corners, The Math professor said that she was checking her this years students periodic test result and The Science professor said he was at the laboratory. At the end of the day the police caught the murderer. Who do you think it was?
  2. You are locked inside a car and have a hammer inside with you. What do you do?
  3. I am lighter than a feather and yet even the strongest man cannot hold me for a minute.
  4. What can be swallowed but can also swallow you?
  5. In the Arctic there was an Igloo. In the Igloo there lived a man and his family, a butler and a maid. His children went out. When they came back their father was dead. The main suspects were the Wife, the Butler, the Maid and the man's brother. His brother said he was asleep, the Maid said she was sweeping the corners, The Wife said that she was also asleep (The Wife and The Man's brother are having an affair) The Butler said he was in the garden. Who do you think killed the man?
  6. What has hands but cannot clap?
  7. Mr. Black lives in a black house. Mr. Azul lives in a blue house. Mr. Brown lives in a brown house. Now tell me who lives in the White House.
  8. JFMAMJJASON_. What's the next letter in the sequence?
  9. What gets broken without being held?
  10. What instrument can you use but you cannot touch or see you can just hear it when you use it.

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