you think you know everything

Ok the let's see if your a genius try my quiz and see how it goes I'm speaking from the heart people I'm motivational person who cares about himself so now I'm putting on a test to see what you going to do?

Are you a genius let me guess? No no you not your just a loser who thinks they are Mr smarty pants now come try my test and get 100% huhh if you manly enough to do it

Created by: Siyabonga
  1. Mr.Baker and his wife had 4 sons and every of the sons has a sister.How many are there in the family?
  2. Why is 6 afraid of 7
  3. There are thirty-nine letters in this sentence
  4. Its raining at midnight. Will there be Sunny weather in 72 hours
  5. how many months have 28 days
  6. If u were running a race and u passed the person in 2nd place. What place would u be now?
  7. Which is the Odd one out?
  8. 3 fat ladies stood under an umbrella but none of them got wet
  9. A boy kept 3 mangoes,4 eggs,2 apples and 5 oranges in his many fruits does he have in his bag?
  10. Do u eat or drink ice cream?

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