you say you hate twilight, but are you secretly a fan?

most people say they hate twilight but they know that they find the books/films interesting, well now there is a way to see if you really hate twilight

well this is a quiz i created to piss of my cousin she loves twilight, well enjoy it some of the questions are related to the twilight story most of them aren't

Created by: bored person

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. how many times have you read the twilight books?
  2. how many times have you seen the movies?
  3. do you know who wrote the books?
  4. what happens in the first part of the story?
  5. which twilight character would you prefer to be?
  6. if someone proposed to you at 18 what would you say?
  7. if you were pregnant with a baby that is killing you, do you...
  8. you wren't allowed an abortion, the miscarrage thing failed, and you got sent to court for attempted suicide. so you went through with the birth and died halfway through...(the child had to be pulled out)
  9. would you choose friendship (werewolf) or love (vampire)?
  10. if you could be any supernatural creature what would it be?
  11. short quiz...did you like it
  12. are you going to give a good rating?

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Quiz topic: You say you hate twilight, but am I secretly a fan?