You need diapers or similar?

Most largest quiz based on this theme to get a accurate result for your need. This test is based on medical recommendations that i see through the internet and consults that i have in past years(i'm incontinent too) in the majority of the questions.

Quiz to see if you need to wear some type of protective underwear, if you're ashamed to talk with someone take that quiz but search for a doctor if you want real help. This quiz is just for a rapid diagnose.

Created by: Jane1717
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What is your age?
  3. You have wetting accidents?
  4. You wet yourself because?
  5. You already think about try some type of protection?
  6. You have accidents in...
  7. What is the frequency of your daytime accidents if you have?
  8. What's the last time you wet yourself in daytime
  9. You wet yourself in daytime, how wet is your clothes?
  10. You wear diapers or protective underwear on the daily?
  11. If you wear diapers or other protection in the daytime and wet yourself, how wet is the diaper?
  12. Your diaper leak on the daily? With what frequency?
  13. What is the frequency of your nighttime accidents if you have?
  14. What's the last time you wet yourself in the night?
  15. You wet yourself in the night,how wet is your clothes?
  16. You wear diapers or protective underwear on the night?
  17. If you wear diapers or other protection in the night and you wet yourself, how wet is your diaper?
  18. Your diaper leak on the night? With what frequency?
  19. You already tried plastic pants to prevent leaks?
  20. What is your underwear?
  21. You wet yourself, what do you do?
  22. You are in the streets and need to pee,but, you don't have any bathroom avaliable,would you rather
  23. You wet yourself, who changes you?
  24. How diapers make you feel?
  25. What is the type of your clothes?
  26. What is better?
  27. Do you care if people see you in wet pants?
  28. Do you care if people see you wearing a diaper?
  29. If you go buy some protection, what is your preferences?
  30. You use protection for your bed?(plastic/disposable sheets)
  31. You use cream or powder to prevent rashes?
  32. If you need to pee, how long you can hold?
  33. You wear diapers in public?(streets,places with people,etc...)
  34. You wear diapers on long trips?(airplane,roads,etc..)
  35. Would you rather(situation in public)
  36. You will follow the advice of the results?
  37. Do you like the quiz?(please rate after results)

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