You Might be Filipino if...

This is a light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek quiz. It is designed to whimsically assess some cultural aspects of being Filipino. This quiz has a humorous tone and is meant to be fun.

I wanted to see how many other Filipinos could relate to common themes that run through our native culture. Hopefully, you will find this quiz interesting. And, maybe, this quiz will bring a smile to your face.

Created by: Al
  1. Your parents wanted you to be a doctor, a lawyer, or an engineer. (So much for being a back-up dancer for Justin's or Beyonce's next tour...)
  2. Your parents hoped that you would marry a doctor, a lawyer, or an engineer. (I guess amateur bikini model/girlfriend, or sexy but struggling musician/boyfriend might be a hard sell...)
  3. At least 1 male in your family owns or owned a Toyota Forerunner or a Nissan PathFinder. (Are Miatas completely out of the question?)
  4. At the last party you attended, your relative performed Frank Sinatra's "My Way" or Engelbert Humperdinck or Elvis Presley. (Tito, will you stop hogging the mike? You're embarrassing my American friends...)
  5. You, your cousin, or someone in your family studied to be a nurse.(Nurses get plenty of overtime which is good in case you need to borrow some extra cash for that trip to Hawaii.)
  6. After attending a Filipino party, you have to take an extra Lipitor or two to offset all the cholesterol from the food - especially the Lechon and the Leche Flan! (You'll start that diet tomorrow, right? Not!)
  7. You are over 25, are still living at home, and you have no plans to move out any time soon. (Things might get a little crowded after your second child...Then again, you'll save a fortune on baby-sitting thanks to your Lola/Grandma!)
  8. One of your relatives is nicknamed Boy, Baby, Totoy, or Girlie. Ting Ting and Neneng round out the list - which might make it hard for your Non-Filipino friends to take them seriously.
  9. Your calendar is already booked for attending a Filipino wedding, birthday party, debut, housewarming, or picnic. (Hope you can be in two places at the same time or your Ninong/Godfather might "forget" to get you that iPod you wanted.)
  10. Your parents are so superstitious that they will never purchase a house where the staircase leads directly out of the front door and the home does not face the rising sun. (So much for that house you spotted on MTV Cribs).

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