You Love Nick Jonas Lets See If You Will Date Him

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People love Nick Jonas but do you love him more than others lets find out and see if you love him as other people do or not as much lets find out girlss.

Do you love Nick Jonas lets find out girls and guys ! Girls want to find out just like you do lol just take a few minutes 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 w x e t?

Created by: nickjonas1222
  1. If you were dating Nick Jonas and saw Nick hanging out with another girl would you.
  2. If you just meet Nick for the first time would you kiss him.
  3. If Nick asked you one thing you like about him you would say.
  4. If you could say anything to Nick it would be.
  5. Heyy says Nick wanna hang out.
  6. I love Nick
  7. So Nick was kissing another girl when you were dating him.
  8. 1 to 10 your jelous.
  9. You want Nick to give you.
  10. Nick says he hates you you would be.

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