You Against the World | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz You Against the World.
You have a 23% chance of making it big just dont take my thunder bi
your a sad and depressed little soul and by that i mean your a little and defenseless puppy hiding inside the human face of a wimp but dont take it personaly
Looks like someone is jealous of me :D
girlwhat1 -
Your opinions are something that I don't care about knock on my door and tell me instead hiding on internets
You have a 0% chance of making it big just dont take my thunder bi
Its betwen two topics you end up in either two things. The first would be that your just a wimp and thats sad. the second is your just too nice and any one can use you as their doormat so i suggest you toughen up a bit.
cxxccxxc1 -
Lol that's what you think its why you do watcu do and god me to do this for myself to know who I am an if u don't make mistakes your a p---- live a little your not that smart I wouldn't want your job any day moral's are so much more rather work cleaning toilets
girlwhat1 -
Would proper grammar hurt? Get off your mom's computer and get ready for preschool.
hey i think u should take the "are u a pyromaniac?"quiz.yo ur apparent obsession with fire could be serious...
portiap1 -
your car got stonlen bye a 7-yare old
good job i mee-n goo---d jo--b
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