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XDDDDDDDDDDDD. "Rolling on the floor laughing* LOLOLOL. Ok, this might have been a dare. Ok, well, I guess, that's all for now. BYE, BOI, Aloha!!!!!!!


Created by: derecho
  1. Hotdog: Wasn't it great that Tails didn't eat me?
  2. Hotdog: He almost did, tho. That was scary...
  3. Thankfully, I had a good friend named Raccoon that convinced Tails of my innocence.
  4. Let's have a round of applause for Raccoon!!!
  5. Hotdog: Ok, I brought my friend Leafy with me. Leafy: Hello, how ya doing?
  6. Leafy: *talks for an hour*
  7. Raccoon: Ok, Leafy and I must leave, we just have an announcement!!!
  8. Leafy: We are dating now
  9. Hotdog: Ok, we gotta leave now, Bye!!!
  10. Me: Oh, and about my crush...
  11. Me: *quickly* IhasacrushonKaylah
  12. *a little slower* I has a crush on Kaylah
  13. Ok, BYE!!!

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