Xenosaga Episode Quiz

Think you got what it takes? Think you know all about Xenosaga? Then play this amazing quiz to find out how smsrt you really are... THE XENOSAGA QUIZ!!

Want to take the ultimate Xenosaga challenge? Prove to me to EVERYONE!! Hoe smart your Xenosaga Brain is!! I hope youve played the games and watched the anime..

Created by: Rachael
  1. Which space station does Albedo take MOMO to?
  2. Is Jr older tha Gaignun?
  3. What is Shionls weapon called?
  4. Who defeated Albedo at the end of Episode I?
  5. What number is Jr?
  6. How old is Albedo >;)
  7. What is Jr's foundation called?
  8. What happens to Albedo at the end of Disc 2 in Xenosaga Episode II?
  9. What Are the spells called in the Xenosaga series?
  10. (FINAL QUESTION) Who is the maiden of Mary?

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