WWII Aircraft Test

Here is a quiz for WWII buffs. Specifically, you will be quizzed on military aircraft of that period. Are you confident in your knowledge?

History is important to study, and interesting to learn about. Give this quiz your best shot and let's see if you can pass.

Created by: BOB

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many flyable B-29's are left?
  2. How many .50 caliber guns does the P-51 Mustang have?
  3. Which British aircraft was most common during the Battle of Britain?
  4. This aircraft was the best fighter that the Germans had during the War
  5. What plane was called "whispering death'' by the Japanese?
  6. What Italian bomber was used during the Battle of Britain?
  7. What aircraft shot down Admiral Yamamoto's aircraft and killed him?
  8. How many aircraft were used on D-Day?
  9. What Japanese aircraft was the most common throughout the war?
  10. Which was most common in Europe?

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