WWE Love Story Part I

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Welcome Beautiful People! I see you have stumbled across my oath to this quiz. Well this is more a story quiz than an actual quiz. I hope you enjoy my quiz and have a great time!

This quiz consists of 13 questions that can be lengthy. I hope you enjoy this quiz and, have a really good time if you want to. You may or may not like this quiz and that’s okay let me know feedback in the comments and rate if you’d like. Thanks!

Created by: WWEQueen
  1. This story will be about four WWE superstars. You will be able to use your name or make your own WWE name. Your best friend in the wwe is Alexa Bliss! You are the new girl and you came from NXT, you have a somewhat dark personality but not too dark...you can just be mean sometimes. Your theme song is “The Resistance” by Skillet.Oh...and this is first person!
  2. I am the new comer from NXT so this is my debut match here on Monday Night Raw. I’ve seen familiar faces. As I walk the backstage area, I was greeted by Randy Orton.
  3. “What Randy?” I asked. He smirked, “Your new, it’s y/n from little ol’ NXT!” He says giving a slight chuckle.
  4. “What’s it to you?” I replied back giving a glare. Before he could speak he was interrupted by a familiar face, my good friend Aleister Black. Randy walked away and we talked for a bit about the company and our personal lives.
  5. I went to catering and grabbed a bottle of water and sat at a table with my best friend, Alexa Bliss. A lot of people don’t like her, but she is actually really nice. “So...how is life here so far?” “Great” I replied.
  6. Roman Reigns and Jeff Hardy come up and greet me. They tell me how it’s nice to meet me and how they think I’m a total bada$$. I said thank you to them and me and Alexa talked with them for a little bit.
  7. I hear a strange noise from behind me and it’s my other friends Carmella, and Naomi.
  8. They all sit, noticing I am squirming in my seat. “Are you okay y/n? You don’t seem right!” Carmella says.“I like someone!” They all look at me shocked. “Who” they all say in unison, “I like....”
  9. They give me a unsurprised look. As if they had known all the time. “To be fair, we figured. Ya’ll talk a lot and you seem interested in him.”
  10. I got news on my first match which was against Charlotte. Me and Charlotte are really good friends and she is really nice outside the ring. She was a natural leader and I really look up to her father, Ric Flair.
  11. The match! It’s time! I hear my music play directly after Charlotte’s and I walk out in my full black attire. I do my entrance and enter the ring doing a 360 flip.
  12. I have a one year undefeated streak! I don’t want to lose but I don’t want to hurt my friendship.
  13. I won the match and raised my arm high in the air in pride. My streak continues. I’m very happy. I walk back to the backstage area and meet up with Charlotte who congratulates me and I thank her. Randy walks up to me again.
  14. I hope you liked part I, part II is coming sometime this week or early next week! I also hope I didn’t rush too fast and I’m sorry if I did. Have a blessed day.

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