Write a letter to Tam Song!

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Hi! Welcome to Write Tam a letter! I’m Hazel your host! In this quiz you will compose a letter to Tam Dai Song! Try to get him to love you or just tolerate you!

Small bio; Hazel ilargia Sencen is the twin sister of Keefe! She was born a few minutes before him but their parents lied and said they were a year apart. Hazel was fine with this. Hazel currently has an undiscovered crush on Fitz and appears on a timeline where Alden gave up his search for Project Moonlark, before Sophie was discovered.

Created by: Hazel Sencen
  1. Hazel; Hi! And welcome! I hope you hit things off with Tammy!Tam; DO NOT CALL ME ‘TAMMY’Hazel; Oh, Tammy! Silly, I am not doing that!Tam; Oh I’ll-Hazel; Anyways, what paper will you use?
  2. What pen do you use?
  3. How do you start?
  4. What is your first sentence?
  5. What is your next sentence?
  6. What is your final sentence?
  7. How do you end?
  8. What envelope did you use?
  9. Did you add a Ps?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (Doesn’t affect scores)

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