Wrestling People

This is a quiz of WWE knowlege, could you be the WWE champion someday, or possibly even a WWE superstar? who knows? nobody. So soon we may find out wont we? yes we will.

If you win this quiz 100% you are a wrestling thinker, only think wrestling in this high detailed quiz. Think about all your knowlege of WWE, good luck kiddo, you'll need it.

Created by: James Madden

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. John Cena and somebody else have a rivallry, who is it?
  2. Edge and somebody have a rivallry, who is it?
  3. Kurt Angle fought somebody for the WWE championship in 2005 but didnt get it, who did he fight?
  4. There is a wrestler called Booker T, what is his finisher move?
  5. What are John Cenas 2 finishers?
  6. Why does Rico act gay?
  7. If Undertaker got Married who would he definitely not marry.
  8. Carlitos hairstyle was a...?
  9. Vince McMahons middle name is?
  10. Undertakers entry theme is called?
  11. Randy ortons theme is called: Burn in my what?

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